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Queen teaching chess

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  • Sind Sie ein Schachlehrer und suchen eine Schach-App, die Ihre Kurse ergänzt?
    Click here for more details.
  • Is chessmatec for kids the same with chessmatec for teacher?
    A child with an account receives a User with access to the full version of the ChessMatec game and can play it from the Web, a Tablet or a Smartphone. For teachers we have two different options. The first is a Teacher's account where the teacher receives access to a dashboard where they can track their student's progress, create classrooms and see helpful metrics. The other option is a Teacher's Campus where our teachers and coaches can enjoy fully-planned lesson-plans and video stories that teach Chess in a fun and engaging way. Head over to the "Teacher's" page for more information.
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ChessLabs LTD

Mindspace, Derech Menachem Begin 11, Ramat Gan, Israel 


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